One of the books I read recently was "Twenty Wishes" by Debbie Macomber. I like reading "light fluff" as my mother used to's an escape for me. However, this book really made me think about those deep down desires and dreams that we all have. It seems like many of us allow life to become so routine and mundane with all of our obligations and have-to's that we forget to just let go and live with abandon. Some people call that living an authentic life. Whatever it is, I want to live my life with more purpose and passion. Put aside, at least once in awhile, the have-to's and need-to's and concentrate on savoring what makes me happy. My mom used to say that "if mama ain't happy, no one is happy" and I believe as women that we really do set the tone in our home. I am usually a happy, positive person but these last few months I've been in a downward spiral. Our world is in such turmoil...I rarely ever watch the news or read the newspaper...they are full of financial disasters, bailouts, murder/suicides, war, crime. There are things I NEED to do in my life to live a healthier lifestyle and then there are those WISHES that I must acknowledge and strive for in order to have some balance and joy in my life...
I read an interview with Debbie Macomber and like the message: "In retrospect, I really taught my children some of the most valuable lessons of their lives...the power of a dream - of what patience and persistence and working hard can accomplish. Debbie talks about her personal wishes and how she differentiates between goals and wishes. “Wishes are not the things you should do”—that endless to-do list—but, the things you fantasize or dream about like dancing in the rain barefoot or visiting Paris with someone you love, or learning how to decorate cakes, so you can create masterpieces with your grandchildren. Debbie Macomber said that it's important to take that extra time in the morning to get spiritually and physically grounded through prayer/meditation and exercise, before setting out to knock the world out professionally.
I receive emails from A Woman's Way (, a wonderful website dedicated to support, guidance and tools for women to create breathing space and clarity in a frenzied world. Below is the one I received last has resonated in my heart and soul...perhaps it will speak to your heart as well.
Whatever takes us to our edge, to our outer limits, leads us to the heart of life's mystery, and there we find faith – Sharon Salzberg
Breathing space...finding peace and clarity in a frenzied world. At some point, we all find ourselves pushed to the very limit of our physical, psychological or emotional tolerance. We feel alone. We feel afraid. We feel like we've lost our way in the world. And yet, if we can sit quietly with our pain, we find that our darkest moments provide us with the greatest opportunities for personal growth. It is this glimmer of possibility that is the beginning of faith. And it is through this faith that we hear our heart whispering quiet words of encouragement...begin anew...follow your to new possibilities...
Give yourself the gift of faith today. Faith in yourself, faith in your dreams, faith that you matter, faith in your special place in this world. Find a quiet space to sit and quiet your mind. Close your eyes and quietly pay attention to your breath. When thoughts pop into your mind, lovingly quiet them and return your attention to your breath. With your eyes still closed, imagine a time in your life when you were joyful, when you were carefree and anything seemed possible. Take out your journal and write in detail about that special time. Ask yourself, what is stopping me from living in that joyful place today?
Take some time this week to do something fun, just for you. Buy yourself something that makes you smile, call an old friend, rent your favorite movie, laugh for no reason, dance to your favorite music...
So what do you think? I’m going to start a list of 10 things I NEED to do (exercise more, etc.) and 20 WISHES (learn how to dance – think the movie Take the Lead or Shall We Dance?). Anyone want to join me?
Happy Friday!
Couple of things I NEED to do today:
1. Pack my Hospital Bag
2. Finish my scrapbook for my Dad
3. Pack the diaper bag
I find that if I make my lists too long, I get overwhelmed fast and then I get frustrated. So, I'll start out with 3 things I need to get done :)
Amy in Wisconsin
Posted by: Amy | May 09, 2009 at 10:23 AM